Dancing with the Divine: Beyond Belief!  PRACTICE

Please contact anytime w/ questions, or to try private sessions:
email, phone/text: 206-853-8603, Facebook Messenger
(July-September I am in very spotty cell coverage, if I don't respond to your phone/text within 24 hours, I didn't receive it; in that case, please email or FB Messenger)

Come as you are: 
Savor 'Spiritual Communion'

Dancing with the Divine: Beyond Belief
Month-long INTENSIVE

You BELONG regardless of:
- Background, Baggage, Behavior...  
- Spiritual Practice or Meditation Experience.
  • Shy? you don't Have to be seen or heard - but you can be!
  • Busy? participate in real time at least once, receive all Replays!

Find what you’ve been Looking-for, Thirsty-for in the
WISDOM of Spiritual Connection & FLOW of Spiritual Blessings.

Connect, Play, Share, Learn & Practice for REAL 
in a different kind of Spiritual PRACTICE Community.

Sign-up below to receive dates, zoom link and more information.
(Unsubscribe anytime. We hate spam too! We always protect your privacy.)

see you soon!

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